I don´t know why I got banned for writing a review on "Hunting to Hulalaoo" when it wasn´t an entry that made any sense and just looked like a spam post. I don´t get why we should blam post that doesn´t show any effort what so ever to make a good animation. Instead we get banned. I now though that my post violated the terms of posting a review, but just watch "hunting for Hulalaoo" and just tell me what review you would post.
Ps. I see a lot of other people that post worse comments than me on that flash.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/agreement_reviews.html">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/agre ement_reviews.html</a>
^^That applies to everything, even crappy troll flashes. Why were you reviewing something that was deliberately shit anyway?
I just thought that the people on newgrounds helped eachother out by blamming unnesessary flashes that I don´t think Tom Fulp wants to end up on newgrounds. But maybe thats just me...
Ps. Finally a respons to one of my posts =)